Trump’s Effort to Bend America’s Legal and Electoral System to His Will; Also, Is Entropy Responsible for Human Consciousness

Call It Like I See It
Call It Like I See It
Trump’s Effort to Bend America’s Legal and Electoral System to His Will; Also, Is Entropy Responsible for Human Consciousness

James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana discuss what appears to be a transparent and ongoing attempt by former president Donald Trump to exert dominion over American legal and electoral system (1:19). The guys also consider whether human consciousness may be a byproduct of entropy (40:27).

Judge Cites Trump for Contempt, and Says He Is Attacking the Rule of Law (NY Times)

Trump says he will only accept 2024 election results ‘if everything’s honest’ (CNN)

As Trump airs his election doubts, many supporters say they won’t accept a Biden win in 2024 (NBC News)

Human Consciousness Could Be a Side Effect of Entropy, Study Suggests (Science Direct)