All Episodes

Manipulation Through Espionage and Information Warfare

Our intelligence community is sounding the alarm, so James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana react to the release of the final volume of the Senate Intel Committee’s Bipartisan Russia Report (01:08),  discuss the ongoing information warfare campaign being waged against Americans and the “Firehose of Falsehood” propaganda model as explained by the RAND Corporation (09:24), and speak on the 100...

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Call It Like I See It
Manipulation Through Espionage and Information Warfare

Undermining the USPS From Within is American Self Sabotage

The push to defund the U.S. Postal Service is needlessly self-destructive, so James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana discuss their issues with the efforts to politicize the operations of the U.S. Postal Service (01:24).  The guys also consider the extent to which the coronavirus has killed the free market (24:34) and discuss a recent discovery of a (literal) caveman’s bed...

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Call It Like I See It
Undermining the USPS From Within is American Self Sabotage

Chess Moves for Control over Your Sensitive Data

Governments and large companies around the world are making high stakes, chess style moves over control of who has access to your sensitive data, and James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana discuss the President’s executive order that seeks to ban TikTok in the U.S. (01:20) and the discomfort some have expressed following Blackstone’s acquisition of genealogy company Ancestry (21:14).  The...

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Call It Like I See It
Chess Moves for Control over Your Sensitive Data

(Medical) Truth in the Eyes of the Beholder

The “truth” about the coronavirus seems to vary depending on who you talk to, so James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana react to the apparent post truth nature of medicine (02:04), discuss why conspiracy theories and fanciful explanations for things seem to have so much appeal (18:09), and consider whether the widespread lack of any shared understanding of truth is...

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Call It Like I See It
(Medical) Truth in the Eyes of the Beholder

Culture Series: Talking to Strangers, a Book by Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell’s Talking to Strangers laid out several concepts that influence how we deal with people we do not know, and James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana discuss which of the concepts was most notable (02:25), which anecdotes from the book stood out (22:32), biases and trends that were present in several of the concepts (38:37) and whether the book...

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Call It Like I See It
Culture Series: Talking to Strangers, a Book by Malcolm Gladwell

Avoiding Chronic Stress when Stressors are All Around Us

We all encounter stressors and potential stressors all day long, so James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana take a look at what appears to be causing the most stress during the COVID-19 crisis (01:29), the nature of chronic stress and how it effects our bodies (06:44), and some of the things they do to manage stress (22:18). The guys also...

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Call It Like I See It
Avoiding Chronic Stress when Stressors are All Around Us

The Fight Against Hate Can and Should be Broad

The intersection of ideology, race, and religion is always going to be difficult to navigate, but James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana discuss the Anti-Semitic social media posts by NFL player DeSean Jackson, how he handled the resulting controversy so far, and the various societal factors that have come into play (01:11). The guys also consider how Black people who...

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Call It Like I See It
The Fight Against Hate Can and Should be Broad

Removing the Confederacy from Positions of Honor

We have seen efforts to remove Confederate items from places of honor pick up in recent times, and James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana discuss the armed protest of a Confederate monument in Georgia on July 4th (01:24), including whether the images of armed protestors could be used to undermine the message of the protestors (17:10). The guys also...

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Call It Like I See It
Removing the Confederacy from Positions of Honor

Mask Aversion and the Lizard Brain

Articles referenced in the discussion:Angry residents erupt at meeting over new mask rule ( Distancing and Masks Are Effective in Reducing the Spread of Coronavirus, Study Confirms ( psychology behind why some people won't wear masks ( Demagogues (

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Call It Like I See It
Mask Aversion and the Lizard Brain

Streaming Between the Lines: Bombshell

“Bombshell” was in large part about of the women who exposed the culture of sexual harassment at Fox News, but it also showed an approach to making news media profitable, and James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana discuss the sexualizing of aspects of news presentation (01:46), the selection and presentation of news to play on emotion (18:07) and confirmation bias...

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Call It Like I See It
Streaming Between the Lines: Bombshell

It’s a Fight to Make Voting More Accessible

The right to vote has been in large part secured, but the fight against efforts to make it inaccessible is ongoing, so James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana take a look at the issues Georgia primary and how the practice of voter suppression often plays out (02:00), discuss the typical battle lines in the fight to make voting more or...

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Call It Like I See It
It’s a Fight to Make Voting More Accessible

With Lots of People, There’s a Lot of Power

Americans coming together in such large numbers is a reassertion of the ultimate power of the people, so James Keys, Tunde Ogunlana, and Carlton Washington discuss what change is being sought, and what change should be sought, by the people (01:34), the defund the police theme that has picked up steam in recent weeks (12:15), how some public figures...

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Call It Like I See It
With Lots of People, There’s a Lot of Power