The Supreme Court Confirms the U.S. is Presently a Nation of Men, Not Laws; Also, Overcoming a Brain Wired to Avoid Exercise

James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana discuss some key takeaways from the U.S Supreme Court’s decision to forbid states from taking Donald Trump, or any other “oathbreaking insurrectionist,” off the ballot under the disqualification clause of the 14th amendment (1:08). The guys also consider the idea that human brains are wired to avoid exercise and what can be done to overcome this (44:04).
Trump v Anderson (pdf)(supremecourt.gov)
Supreme Court says Trump can appear on 2024 ballot, overturning Colorado ruling (CBS News)
The Supreme Court’s “Unanimous” Trump Ballot Ruling Is Actually a 5–4 Disaster (Slate)
After Trump wins at the Supreme Court, some warn it may be harder for Congress to boot ‘oathbreaking insurrectionists’ (NBC News)
The Supreme Court Once Again Reveals the Fraud of Originalism (The Atlantic) (Apple News Link)
Your Brain is Built to Avoid Exercise. Here’s Why (BBC Science Focus)

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Call It Like I See It
The Supreme Court Confirms the U.S. is Presently a Nation of Men, Not Laws; Also, Overcoming a Brain Wired to Avoid Exercise

Exploding Dynastic Wealth is a Threat to America’s Economic and Governmental System; Also, Understanding and Appreciating Free Speech Following Navalny’s Demise in Russia

James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana consider the extent to which America’s extreme and increasingly sticky concentration of wealth in its billionaire class may put its market economy and representative democracy in peril (1:23).  The guys also discuss the concept of freedom of speech in the US in light of the tragic story of Alexei Navalny in Russia (42:04). Where do billionaires come from? Mom and Dad. (Vox)The Estate Tax is Irrelevant to More Than 99 Percent of Americans (ITEP.org) What is the national deficit? (Treasury.gov)What is the national debt? (Treasury.gov)Putin foe Alexei Navalny dies in jail, West holds Russia responsible (Reuters)Nerve agents, poison and window falls. Kremlin foes have been attacked or killed over the years (AP News)Trump Calls Himself ‘Political Dissident’ At CPAC Speech After Navalny Comparison (Forbes)First Amendment – Constitution of the United States (Congress.gov)

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Call It Like I See It
Exploding Dynastic Wealth is a Threat to America’s Economic and Governmental System; Also, Understanding and Appreciating Free Speech Following Navalny’s Demise in Russia

Is Russia’s Psyop to Divide Americans Paying Off? Also, Concerns Over Making Victimhood Too Central to Black Americans’ Identity

James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana consider whether Russia’s goals in dividing and undermining the US have been achieved in light of what appears to be an increasing one way love affair with Russia coming out of at least a part of America’s political right (1:19).  The guys also take a look at whether society tends to overemphasize messages of victimhood to Black Americans in a way that is detrimental to Black Americans (45:59).Russia’s objective in the U.S. has already largely been achieved (WaPo)Putin has made clear Russia is our civilizational enemy (NY Post)Tuberville: Putin open to peace but ‘DC warmongers’ want to prolong Ukraine conflict (AL.com)Tucker Carlson gets roasted for praising decades-old shopping cart tech in Russia (Business Insider)Putin Unlikely To Stop In Russia And Ukraine (Forbes)Give Black Americans hope and support, not messages of victimhood (Miami Herald)

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Call It Like I See It
Is Russia’s Psyop to Divide Americans Paying Off? Also, Concerns Over Making Victimhood Too Central to Black Americans’ Identity

Viewing James Baldwin and the U.S. Through “I Am Not Your Negro;” Also, the Devaluing of Stay At Home Parents

James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana take a look at Raoul Peck’s 2016 documentary “I Am Not Your Negro,” which features the commentary and work of one of America’s intellectual giants, James Baldwin (1:24).  The guys also discuss how stay at home parenting is devalued by America’s institutions even though many often suggesting it is good for society (44:39).I Am Not Your Negro (PBS)I Am Not Your Negro (YouTube)The Paradox of Stay-at-Home Parents (The Atlantic) (Apple News Link)

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Call It Like I See It
Viewing James Baldwin and the U.S. Through “I Am Not Your Negro;” Also, the Devaluing of Stay At Home Parents

The Taylor Swift Psyop Is Making the Normal Seem Sinister; Also, Habits Do a Body Good

James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana consider what the suggestion that Taylor Swift and her relationship with NFL star Travis Kelce is a psyop really says about our political and media culture (1:17).  The guys also discuss hobbies and why science thinks they are good for us (43:02). Taylor Swift Conspiracy Theorists Get Psyops All Wrong (Wired)Psychological operations (United States) (Wikipedia) Trump Allies Pledge ‘Holy War’ Against Taylor Swift (Rolling Stone)Hannity: Taylor Swift should ‘think twice’ about Biden endorsement (The Hill)The Psychology of Conspiracy Theorists: More Than Just Paranoia (Neuroscience News)Why Having a Little Hobby Is So Good for You, According to Science (Self)

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Call It Like I See It
The Taylor Swift Psyop Is Making the Normal Seem Sinister; Also, Habits Do a Body Good

Reacting to the Recent Tariff Talk on the Campaign Trail; Also, Is Polyamory Having a Moment?

James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana take a look at the use of tariffs in light of recent campaign talk and consider whether in a modern context, they can be an answer to boosting the prospects of American workers (1:21).  The guys also discuss polyamory and the way it seems to be having a bit of a moment in the culture (39:03).How do tariffs work? | CNBC Explains (YouTube)Donald Trump is preparing for a massive new trade war with China (WaPo)Donald Trump wants to impose a 10% tariff. Here’s what happened when Nixon tried the same thing. (Yahoo! Finance)Haley hits Trump on tariffs ahead of her Wall Street fundraisers (CNBC)Tariff in United States history (Wikipedia)Historical Aspects of US Trade Policy (National Bureau of Economic Research)Polyamory: Lots of Sex, Even More Scheduling (Wall Street Journal) (Apple News Link)

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Call It Like I See It
Reacting to the Recent Tariff Talk on the Campaign Trail; Also, Is Polyamory Having a Moment?

Is “God Made Trump” a Deification or Politics as Usual (or Both)? Also, Plastic Rocks Are Now a Thing

James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana react to the “God Made Trump” video and the trend of comparing Donald Trump to Jesus or other biblical figures ,and consider whether what we are seeing is normal politics, a religious movement, or something else altogether (1:31).  The guys also discuss plastistones, the newly discovered sedimentary rock that is being seen around the world and is based in part on our plastic waste (45:15). Trump shares bizarre biblical video saying God made him to be America’s ‘caretaker’ (The Independent)The Deification of Donald Trump Poses Some Interesting Questions (NY Times)Experts alarmed after Trump demands immunity to do “infinite crimes” in 2 am Truth Social rant (Salon)A New Study Shows Us the Single Biggest Motivation for the Jan. 6 Rioters | Amanpour and Company (YouTube)Republican senator says ‘democracy isn’t the objective’ of US system (The Guardian)A Strange Plastic Rock Has Ominously Invaded 5 Continents (Popular Mechanics)

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Call It Like I See It
Is “God Made Trump” a Deification or Politics as Usual (or Both)? Also, Plastic Rocks Are Now a Thing

The Falling Crime Rate and Americans’ Disconnect from Reality; Also, Tipping is as American as Apple Pie

James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana take a look at the stats on the crime rate in the U.S., which by the numbers seems to be falling, and consider what it means that the vast majority of Americans perceive that crime is increasing (1:28).  The guys also discuss tipping, how it seems to be becoming more widespread with the use of technology, and whether expectations on tipping could ever go so far to create a real backlash (40:20). Most people think the U.S. crime rate is rising. They’re wrong. (NBC News)Has Gratuity Culture Reached a Tipping Point? (The New Yorker) (Apple News Link)

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Call It Like I See It
The Falling Crime Rate and Americans’ Disconnect from Reality; Also, Tipping is as American as Apple Pie

Streaming Between the Lines – Seeing Oppenheimer Through Both a Documentary and a Summer Blockbuster

(SPOLIER ALERT) James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana react to Christopher Nolan’s 2023 blockbuster film, “Oppenheimer” and David Grubin’s 2009 PBS documentary film “The Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer,” and take a look at how each delved into the life of Oppenheimer and highlighted both his leading of the team which developed the first atomic bomb in the 1940s and his subsequent fall from grace due to alleged ties to communism during what is called the second Red Scare period in American History.The Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer (2009) (PBS)The Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer (YouTube)Oppenheimer (2023) (Oppenheimermovie.com)

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Call It Like I See It
Streaming Between the Lines - Seeing Oppenheimer Through Both a Documentary and a Summer Blockbuster

Trump Disqualification Decisions Pit the Constitution Against Your Feelings or Fears; Also, 2023 the Warmest on Record

James Keys and Tunde Ogunlana consider how the recent rulings out of Colorado and Maine that Donald Trump is ineligible to be president put their desires and/or ideals in conflict with what the Constitution dictates (1:42).  The guys also discuss whether 2023 being the warmest year on record will create more urgency or apathy as far as taking action to deal with the climate (45:20). Colorado Supreme Court declares Donald Trump is ineligible for the White House (AP News)Maine’s secretary of state tells NPR why she disqualified Trump from the ballot (NPR)Will Trump’s disqualification case be Bush v. Gore for 2024? (The Hill)The Colorado Ruling Changed My Mind (The Atlantic) (Apple News link)The Sweep and Force of Section Three (UPenn Law Review)It’s over: 2023 was Earth’s hottest year, experts say. (USA Today)2023 was Earth’s warmest on record. Will this year be even hotter? (WaPo)

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Call It Like I See It
Trump Disqualification Decisions Pit the Constitution Against Your Feelings or Fears; Also, 2023 the Warmest on Record